Friday, November 7, 2008
Omnicare to Present at the Oppenheimer Healthcare Conference...
Lynnwood pharmacist faces prison time after guilty plea...
A pharmacist has pleaded guilty in U.S. District court to acquiring controlled substances by deception and misbranding drugs, both felonies...
SEATTLE — A pharmacist has pleaded guilty in U.S. District court to acquiring controlled substances by deception and misbranding drugs, both felonies.
Fifty-five-year-old Milton W. Cheung of Lynnwood, Wash., faces up to four years in a federal prison and a $250,000 fine. He entered his plea Friday.
Cheung was accused of stealing money and doling out expired and -second-hand medications to customers at the TOP Food and Drug pharmacy in Edmonds, Wash.
Investigators believe Cheung, the pharmacy manager, used an elaborate scheme as a cover to rip off the store for at least a year.
After a car accident and a visit to the chiropractor, Cindylou Romberg found herself speaking with a German accent, a condition called Foreign Accent Syndrome.
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Health insurance companies charging women higher premiums than men: Okay or outrage?
Choosing a new minivan or van? Weigh the impact of your choice on your wallet and on the planet.
Workers shift to industrial oasis...
Xiao He left Zhangmutou for Shilong to restart his career as a migrant worker.
He left one of Dongguan's biggest townships for its smallest because Shilong, which literally means "Rock Dragon", has been moving smoothly when many companies in other townships have closed shop or declared bankruptcy, apparently because of the global financial crisis.
"I need to find a stable factory that would pay my wages on time. That's why I've come to Shilong," the 27-year-old Henan resident says as he queues up for an interview in front of Huanan Parmacy's gate.
Xiao is not the only worker to leave Zhangmutou. Some of his former colleagues in Smart Union, which declared bankruptcy on Oct 15, have joined him, too.
Shilong shifted from labor-intensive to technology-intensive production more than a decade ago, and that's why so many workers are flocking to the township, says Li Jianmin, director-general of Shilong's business and trade office.
"This is a market rule, a result of industrial transformation," Li says. Such a transformation has just started in other parts of Dongguan.
More than 80 percent of the 200 firms in Shilong are part of the electronic or IT industries. According Bendibao, a Dongguan-based consultancy firm, Shilong produces 2.4 million cameras, 1 million computers, 1.5 million personal computer (PC) monitors, and 1.8 million laser printers a year.
Just five days after Smart Union folded up in Zhangmutou, Japanese camera maker Konica Minolta transformed its 14-year-old production unit in Shilong into an independent company. Japan-based electronics firm Kyocera and British retail giant Tesco, too, have set up shop in the town.
Shilong was a different township in the 1980s and early 1990s, when textile was its leading industry. As Guangzhou Daily has reported, Shilong had more than 100 textile mills then.
Not everyone is happy about the change, though. Take Xiao, for instance, who says: "The job market is more demanding in Shilong than anywhere else in Dongguan." That's why he's not too confident of finding a job there.
But for his interviewer, Xiao's worries mean Dongguan is headed in the right direction. "Employers in Shilong prefer younger workers, who are normally fast learners and have a more promising future," says the interviewer, an HR manager with Huanan Pharmacy.
"Electronic, hi-tech, and pharmaceutical firms can help raise the quality of workers in Dongguan. And Shilong wants to take the lead in that direction."
20 years in office ends, but not Cox's love for Arab...
Once upon a time, Frank Lee Cox wanted to be a pharmacist. As life worked out, he took over the family insurance business.
Once upon a time, he also wanted to be mayor of Arab. As life worked out, he was.
Monday marks the end of Cox's two decades of service in Arab city government, 13 years as a city councilman, the last seven as mayor.
On Wednesday, with five days left before Gary Beam becomes mayor, Cox's office in the northwest corner of Arab City Hall already looks deserted.
Gone are the other trappings of his office, the pictures on the walls, his proclamation from the governor making him an honorary Alabama Colonel in the National Guard. Where a landslide of papers was once heaped, sits a nice desk, now all but empty.
"I took a little out every week," Cox grins. "There was a lot to carry out. I wanted to give the new mayor a chance to bring in his or her stuff and get accustomed to the office."
The last comment refers to the physical room, but, on reflection, he says, it takes several months to get accustomed to the office of mayor as a position and responsibility.
"It took me a while to get used to being the mayor, to get used to being called Mayor," Cox says.
The job allows no settling in phase. Six years ago when Johnny Hart left to head the Marshall County E-911, the new Mayor Cox found himself right off the bat facing decisions that affected the people of Arab.
Cox, now 56, didn't complain. After all, he says, being mayor is something he'd hoped to accomplish for years.
He always liked politics, which got a boost his junior year at Arab High School when he was elected class president. His senior year, the faculty elected him as Mr. Arab.
"It inspired me to know that I was thought of that much," he says. Maybe. Just maybe, he thought, he could be elected mayor someday.
"I wanted to give something back to the community," he says. "I have always loved Arab."
After graduating in 1970, Cox majored in biology at The University of Alabama. From there, he went to Samford University and studied pharmacy. His dream was to own a drug store in Arab.
He lacked a year at Samford when, on Dec. 14, 1975, his father, Robert Hinds Cox, died. That left vacant his dad's place in the family business, Hinds and Cox Insurance, started by his dad and his uncle, Woodrow Hinds, a former mayor.
Cox's mother, now Betty Cox Williams, and his younger brother, Bobby (who died in 1991), needed the income, so he abandoned his pharmacy plans, returned home and took his father's place at the family business.
"I have never regretted it," Cox says. "God has a strange way of working things out."
In 1986, Cox and Jan Lawson of Guntersville married.
Two years later, as Arab prepared to switch from a commission to mayor-council form of government, he decided to run for city council.
Several people encouraged him, he says, the first being Louise Smalley, a family friend.
"I don't know if she remembers, but one day in church she told me I ought to run for mayor," Cox says. He settled city council, and ran for Place 5 against Jerry Ray Cobb and Marilyn Crooker.
Aug. 22, 1988, Jan gave birth to their first child, Cameron.
Aug. 23, 1988, was another big event. In the city election, Cox polled 1,077 votes to best Cobb and Crooker, with 790 and 208 votes, respectively.
He went on to be re-elected three times to the city council. His last term, serving as mayor pro tem, moved him into the mayor's office in 2002. He ran for re-election in 2004 and won again.
In a political career that spanned six elections, 1988 was the first and last time Cox faced opposition until this summer in his bid for a second full term as mayor.
"And then I had four candidates," he laughs. "You just never know."
Earlier this year, as the list of candidates for mayor lengthened, Cox remained mum. People wondered. Would he run or not?
"I wasn't going to run," Cox says. "I had already made up my mind."
Two factors, however, left him restless with his decision.
One, he says, was concern about city employees who, for years, had been getting increases in their insurance premiums but not their paychecks. To give them a 3-percent pay raise this year, Cox was able to get profits through his position on the board of the Marshall County Gas District, which is owned by Arab, Guntersville and Albertville.
Now, he says, he was worried about continued funding for that raise.
"The others were OK," Cox says. "But Clayton was broken-hearted that I wasn't running."
Besides the broken heart, Clayton blurted out that Dad would be a sissy if he didn't run.
Cox relented, but only conditionally. He made Clayton agree to go door-to-door with him campaigning, and to help him put up signs.
Cox had not raised money and felt that at least two of the candidates were running strong. It would be an uphill battle.
"I want you to know," he told Clayton, "that I'm already in third place.
Clayton may or may not have known the political reality facing his dad.
"But he does now," Cox grins from behind the empty desk in his empty office at city hall.
Cox says family - even Clayton - is fine that the election turned out as it did.
"My wife is elated," he says. "I am a little disappointed, as anybody would be, but I'm not going to be depressed or down."
Cox says he is optimistic that Arab has a bright future.
While he's always felt that way, he notes it as ironic that the incident that best illustrated the spirit of Arab came during, and in the wake of, its darkest day - the morning of Feb. 16, 1995, when a killer tornado hit Joppa, Arab and Brashiers Chapel.
About 5:30 a.m., Cox, a councilman at the time, was awakened by an insurance client who called him to say his roof had been ripped off by what he thought was a tornado.
The power was out at his house, but as Cox quickly dressed he could see the contents of his sock drawer in nearly constant flashes of lightning.
He was at his office in 15 minutes and called his staff in early, anticipating a long day. Then he drove down South Main Street to where he knew damage was heaviest.
"I was floored by what I saw," he says. "It looked like a bomb went off."
Emergency personnel were pouring in. Cox got in touch with Mayor Hart and asked what he could do. "Stay close by," Hart told him.
At his office, Cox and his staff worked through the day, that night and the following day handling claims.
Through the mayhem and destruction, he saw something good shining.
"I was amazed at how well the town responded with help and prayers," Cox says. "People did whatever they could to help the citizens who had been devastated. We came together as a big family, stronger than ever."
Similar caring was evident a year later during the big ice storm and, on a personal level, when Clayton wrecked a bike and broke his eye socket in three places, nearly blinding him.
Cox wants to get back to full-time insurance work. It's way too early to even consider retirement, he says, especially with one child in college and two more to go.
He makes no mention of any future political involvement in Arab, but that doesn't rule out civic involvement.
"If I can help by being a regular citizen, I am all for it," Cox says. "My love for Arab is greater than my love for the office of mayor or council. I ran to help Arab. That's the only reason I ran."
He says - as he has before - that Arab represents the best of what small towns and communities are in America.
"And I truly believe Arab's best days are yet to come," Cox says. "I look forward to living here and being part of it."
"It's been a good 20 years," he says. "A very good 20 years.
"I'm blessed, not only to live here but to have been able to serve the citizens. I didn't do it for the money. I didn't do it for the publicity. I did it only for the love of this town."
Sure, he'll miss the office, at least some aspects of it, Cox says.
"But the best part of it is that I will be able to spend a lot more time with my family and with my wife. I have missed a lot of ballgames and concerts.
"So," he adds, "I go from one good thing to an even better thing - being with my family in Arab, Alabama."
Former South Elgin president Rolando dies...
SOUTH ELGIN -- Tom Rolando, who had been village president for 29 years, died Tuesday at age 72, his son, Mike Rolando, reported Tuesday night.
He died about 4 p.m. at his son's home in Elgin. Funeral arrangements were pending at Laird Funeral Home of Elgin.
Rolando, a pharmacist and former drug store owner, had fought bone cancer for two years. In February of this year, the South Elgin Village Board decided to rename East Avenue Park "the Thomas J. Rolando Woods." But the modest, quiet Rolando said he didn't want that, and the idea was quietly shelved.
Rolando served as village president for a record 29 years (1968-1997) and as a village trustee for six years before that.
He began working at Cook's Pharmacy on State Street in 1959 and bought out partner Jack Cook in 1981. In 1995, the pharmacy went out of business, and Rolando went to work for Target.
PCMA: Two-Thirds of Voters Want More Affordable Health Care...
"In yesterday's historic election, two-thirds of voters said that reducing health care costs is a top concern. Regarding prescription drugs, policymakers should address this challenge in two ways: First, they should resist any new initiatives that will increase drug costs, and second, they should encourage more active use of tools that will actually generate savings."
-- Encourage greater use of mail service pharmacies in public programs."
Fighting to pinch pennies, some cutting medical care...
Beacon Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine treats lots of patients for the kinds of back and joint problems that aren’t life-or-death but can make daily life a challenge.
Lately, more are deciding to tough it out a little longer rather than get surgery.
“I know of at least three people who have said, ‘I acknowledge that I need surgery, I’d like to have it done,’ but they’re concerned about leaving their jobs right now, thinking that if they go on disability, it will be easier to get laid off,” said Marilyn Orr, Beacon’s executive director.
As they cope with a faltering economy, consumers are including health care among areas where they’re cutting back, recent data suggest. Adding to the problems for health care providers is the increasing popularity of high-deductible health plans, which put patients on the hook for higher out-of-pocket costs – costs they frequently can’t afford.
Nearly half of respondents to a Kaiser Family Foundation national survey in October said someone in their family had skipped pills or cut back on needed medical care in the past year because of the cost.
And the number of prescription drugs dispensed in the United States is down slightly in 2008 after years of growth, according to the research firm IMS Health.
The VNA’s business volume is down about 10 percent in October compared with the same month a year ago. For the first three quarters of 2008, volume had been up about 6 percent over the same period last year.
Patients come through referrals from doctors’ offices, nursing homes and hospitals, and Falberg believes his organization’s declines relate to volume drop-offs in those settings.
Seven Hills Women’s Health Centers is seeing patients cancel elective procedures such as urodynamics, used in the diagnosis and treatment of urinary stress incontinence. And even when they do come in for care, patients often end up owing the practice money they can’t pay, because of deductibles and co-payments that can reach into the thousands.
If you really want to know the state of the economy, ask a plastic surgeon, said Dr. Mark Mandell-Brown. The number of tummy tucks and face lifts people request, he said, is a very sensitive indicator of how things are going financially.
Which is to say, at the moment, not very well; procedure volume is down 20 to 25 percent in Mandell-Brown’s practice, based on Montgomery Road.
The Mayfield Clinic & Spine Institute is seeing flat volumes, compared to recent years when it has experienced sustained growth. At the same time, patients aren’t paying their bills as promptly as they used to, said Mike Gilligan, CEO of the group.
At Gastroenterology Consultants of Greater Cincinnati, administrator Greg Bush, too, is experiencing bad debt issues. He is working on fixes such as getting more money from patients up front, setting up more aggressive payment plans, giving patients quick-pay discounts and allowing people to pay bills online.
“We’ve had to turn over a lot more people to collections,” he said.
One group seeing increased demand is the St. Vincent de Paul Charitable Pharmacy, on Bank Street in Cincinnati’s West End. In the past month-and-a-half, the pharmacy has had to turn some patients away for the first time since it opened two years ago.
The pharmacy fills about 140 prescriptions a day for the working poor, those who have lost their jobs and those experiencing a gap in their coverage, and the number of medications dispensed has been increasing every month since the pharmacy opened.
What is the content of our BOXES MEDICINE?
The drug is very important for each owned by the family. Often disability and even life safety tertolong by this tiny box. Of course, not the field that will help, but what is in the box with the appropriate actions quickly that we do.
Making the correct medication should be divided 2 sections that really separate. So, made 2-door. Or have 2 boxes of drugs. The division is to separate the drugs in and outside medicine. Is it the drug? To be easy to remember, drugs are drugs in the drink. Are drugs drug outside is not drunk, such as drugs to the skin, eyedrops, nasal drops of medicine, eardrops, medication that is inserted into anus (suppositoria), etc..
Where we store the drugs? Criteria storage locations are as follows:
- Easily affordable for adults, but difficult for the children. So the position is rather high.
- Easily obtainable, for example, stored in the kitchen or family room. Into the kitchen where storage is ideal because of small accidents often occur in this place, like a knife cut and burn. What if the drugs are stored in the bathroom? If we see in the movies overseas, most of them keep the drugs in the bathroom. This is because of their bathroom shower is dry, and there is no water storage tanks. While we use tanks, so the bathroom became moist. High humidity is not good for the storage of drugs because it can facilitate the growth of mold.
- Stored in a dry place,
- Be spared from the direct sunlight, because UV rays from the sun can alter the chemicals in drugs.
What we need to keep in the medicine box?
Drugs in, among others:
1. febrifuge once paregoric, namely parasetamol. The medicine is effective to reduce the heat and remove the pain of any kind, such as headache, toothache, menstrual pain pain, sore muscle pains, etc.. Pain may be lost after drinking parasetamol, but more important is the search for the causes of pain and the quest penyembuhnya.
2. flu drugs, to ease flu symptoms such as runny nose, pain, headache and cough. Most medicines already contain parasetamol flu, so do not need to drink parasetamol again to remove the headaches.
3. ORALIT or liquid electrolyte. Diarrhea can threaten the safety of people (especially infants and children) are caused by dehydration (lack of fluids). If family members are affected by diarrhea immediately ORALIT or drinking liquids to replace the liquid electrolyte that were lost. The definition includes the form of diarrhea is liquid sewage, slimy and smelly bitterly. In the night time can be more than five times.
4. antidiare drugs. If the diarrhea is very, besides drinking ORALIT can also take the medicine antidiare.
5. special medicines, which are needed for certain people, such as:
* Ulcer pain medication or antasida, become very important for potentially sick people ulcer. Sometimes people are free from ulcer pain, ulcer pain, but can suddenly attack if there is the trigger factors, such as late meals, spicy food or too sour / seared, drinking coffee or cola, etc..
* Asthma. Is there any family members affected by asthma? It is highly important to spray salve asthma medication (salbutamol inhaler).
Drugs outside, such as:
1. wound ointment (containing antibiotics). Multipurpose ointment for burn (as a fire, terciprat oil or hot water), a graze wound, wound and cut all forms of injuries. Ointment is more comfortable, and not as inherent in the older wounds.
2. eucalyptus oil, rubbing oil, balsam; effective enough to relieve itching being bitten by insects, warm body, relieve napas (if dihirup when cold) or to pijit.
3. wound liquid medicine. Functions of injuries liquid medicine is represented by the antibiotic ointment. Can also save them, if necessary
This equipment can be stored together in the drug or drugs outside:
1. thermometer. More than 38 hot? Need to C skeptical. In five, high heat can cause convulsions, convulsions (stuip / step). Head taken to a doctor. Hot high marks many things; such as the existence of infection, dengue fever, or malaria.
2. equipment conceal injuries, such as:
* Tape (for small wounds, scratches, slightly truncated). Injuries need to be closed, if there is the possibility of contact with infected clothing or dirt / dust.
* Bandage (for the big wound, which a lot of blood). Wrapped the wound with a little pressing, but not too fast, so blood flow is not obstructed.
* Scissors; ready scissors to cut the tape or bandage.
3. hot and cold compress. When this gel is available pouch / jelly, which can be used to compress both hot and cold. Save this bag in the refrigerator (freezer) is ready to be used for cold compress. If you need hot compress, rendam bag in hot water. Cold compress can be used to mitigate heat and reduce the swelling / bruise. Hot compress to help relieve colic.
4. antiseptic mouth protective coating for the CPR (Respiratory assistance). Use of this film that we be spared direct contact with the mouth of another person. Among the family members (especially mothers) are highly recommended to control techniques for CPR. Many people who are tertolong with this capability. Sorry, this is my personal experience that loss pretty funny nephew (age 6 months), when he fall into a shallow pond fish.
Besides the list above, we can add drugs and other medical equipment needed for our family. Drugs are medicines first, if the pain persists contact your doctor immediately.
People's Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Industry Competition
After taking the government policy to decrease the price of drugs, now the Ministry of Health to make policy in the field of services kefarmasian with the Regulation of the Minister of Health (Permenkes) Decree No. 284/Menkes/Per/III/2007 of the People's Pharmacy. People's Pharmacy is a health service functions as a place kefarmasian form of delivery of the drugs and health supplies. Pharmacies people can not make the system of preparing medicines. The pattern of planning, procurement, storage and use of drugs system FIFO (First In First Out) which is the first medicine purchased or stored managers, must first be sold or issued. There is also a system FEFO (First Expire First Out) which is the type of drugs that have the kedaluarsa earlier must first be sold or issued.
Thus, the quality of drugs still guaranteed cheap, easy, safe, and always controlled. This is also to prevent the circulation of false medicines, kedaluarsa drugs, drugs that do not clear their origins, and prevent the abuse of drugs such as the type of drug and psychotropic substances. What distinguishes people with pharmacy pharmacy in general is the opportunity for traders to conduct retail drug compounding (affiliates) worked with the body shape or form of business in other locations near. In addition, to obtain permission free of charge, but the administrative mechanisms for licensing, ketenagaan, and the types of sanctions violations still refers to the standard as the other pharmacy. Pharmacy program people should be seen as a significant breakthrough in the high case related to violations of the circulation of drugs and food-based chemicals recently.
However, there are several factors that must be observed, especially related to the implementation in the field, namely:
First, the people's pharmacy program is not just a theory or concept, but must surely be one solution to guarantee ease of access, affordability for (price), security products and medicines for the public, especially for the poor. The existence of drugs can potentially be used as commodities for the economic interests of the perpetrators of industrial health services in hospitals (private), medical clinics, and doctors are now clearly the profit (profit oriented) in the frame of the scale of economic calculation.
In the middle of the more strict competition drug industry as well as national and international via the cost of treatment in the spectrum of health services at this time, perhaps the business of medicines in the world kefarmasian is a business that is very promising and arouse extraordinary financial advantage. As a component of expenditure in the health service system in
Second, chemists prioritize the people's generic drug products. On the other hand, public perception of generic drugs that have the property is lower than the patented drugs so that the necessary socialization development. Therefore, chemists people also have a role as a media enlightenment and dissemination of a drug.
Third, the level needs to drugs and pharmaceutical products nowadays tend to rise rapidly because of the high number still in pain and mortality in almost all age levels so that the system required by the strict supervision of the Agency for Drugs and Food (Food And Drug Control Agency). During the Food And Drug Control Agency have impressed malfunctions operation proactive monitoring both at the level of production to the distribution chain, such as in the Presidential Decree No. 166, 2000 and No. 103 of 2001 on the Formation of the Food And Drug Control Agency.
The characteristics of the system supervision of food and medicine have important aspects of the national health system, as well as one of the spearheads in the practices to prevent violations of food and medicine, which is more rampant.
Fourth, people's pharmacy program must be understood as a solution to the high cost of medicines and not just a program News that only through people (Lips service). Policies must be really able to provide real convenience for the people in the middle of high attack the disease, accidents, falls, and natural disasters so that the dependence of health services and treatment automatically even higher. In the end the more the price of drugs membumbung.
Milk Bacteria Sakazakii be Research

Researcher Dr Bogor Institute of Agriculture. Sri Estuningsih states will continue research on the bacteria Enterobacter sakazakii in milk formula.
"This is the beginning of further research" he said in a controversy Tercemarnya Infant Milk in the Bulletin leaves Cikini, Saturday (1 / 3).
Sri is still much to be developed from such research. "Earlier virulensi and patogenetis these bacteria," he said.
Until now, he has not know of any other research questions Enterobacter Sakazakii in
According to Sri, the source of information related Enterobacter Sakazakii during this new can be searched on the Internet. Sri scientific meeting of the bacteria is also not there.
In Bogor Institute of Agriculture, he said, besides the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, also examine these bacteria in the process of heating food.
Sri chose milk formula because it is often produced and consumed. "And it needs to monitored," he said.
Former Chairman of the Consumers Foundation of Indonesia Indah Suksmaningsih states need to know what the situation is dangerous bacteria.
Director of Food Inspection and Certification BPOM Tien Gartini states BPOM routinely monitor food products. "But if the results negative, for what was announced?"
BUMN Pharmaceuticals

Consolidation of state-owned enterprises to become Pharmaceuticals solution to overcome the problem of providing raw materials while the price of drugs.
The price of drugs are still expensive. That is the classic problems of this state, which applies both to non-generic medicines and generic drugs berlogo, and patent medicines produced in
During this national pharmaceutical industry still needs to import 90% of raw materials, with the value reaching U.S. $ 300 million per year. Most (67%) of raw material is imported from
Another problem is beredarnya medicines and counterfeit drugs sold in the black market. Product patents abroad that the origin of many outstanding with prices far below production price of
Result of all the problems, Anthony Ch. Sunarjo, general chairman of Joint Pharmaceutical Company
Face many problems, the government tried to force three state-owned enterprises mengonsolidasikan his pharmacy, namely PT Kimia Farma Tbk. PT Indofarma Tbk., Phapros Tbk and PT., Becoming one body business. Meanwhile, PT BioFarma still left standing alone (stand alone). According to the president director of PT Kimia Farma Tbk., M. Sjamsul Arifin, consolidation is one solution to the high prices of drugs. During this, because each of the state-owned pharmaceutical standing alone, the provision of raw materials has not been maximum. ? If we become one, the raw material needs can be covered at the same time, so that they can push the price of drugs on the market,? Sjamsul said.
Director of finance of PT Kimia Farma Tbk., Rusdi Rosman, menimpali, consolidation is based on the conviction that the appreciation in the market will be larger. "Because we are the same market. So, after dikonsolidasikan not need any more competition and slash the price-rattle," said Rusdi.
Consolidation of the state-owned pharmacy also improve their competitiveness against private pharmaceutical companies and multinationals. Bergabungnya Kimia Farma and the Indo Farma is intended to increase their market share to be 4.24%, or up to the rank 4th nationally. Kimia Farma market of only 3.8%, and ranks 9th nationally. If Phapros can join, the third in market share will increase again to 6.42%, or up to the sequence to-3. Currently, the ruler of the national pharmaceutical industry market is still PT Kalbe Farma Tbk. segment with 6.51%.
Consolidation of the state-owned pharmacy is one of business deals that should be seen during 2008, primarily related to the efforts of the government to press the selling price of drugs. However, unfortunately, the idea of consolidation is not yet fully accepted by minority shareholders Phapros. Still, the Ministry of State Owned Enterprises to ensure the consolidation plan will be continued. Approval to shareholders at the AGM will be held in February 2008, and next month the process of consolidation is completed targeted.
Definition of validation, according to Decree No.
Parameters that will be done in the lab validation is:
The accuracy of the results of the test parameters proximity with the actual values. There are several ways to do this parameter, among others, by calculating the value of recovery. Criteria keberterimaannya is RSD <1%.> 0.98. Linearitas expressed in terms of variation sekitas slope and the regression line, which is calculated according to the results of the relationship mathematic obtained from analisi with analit rate varies.
In the groups we use the method spektrofotometer UV and compound drugs, which is defined here Izoniazid (DOT). Izoniazid can be determined with this method because it has a cluster Izoniazid absorptive chromophores, that is not saturated kovalen clusters that can absorb radiation in the UV-Vis region. (Anonymous, 2007).
Structure Izoniazid (DOT)
C - NH - NH2
E1 cm
The nature-general
Isoniazid is the chemical name 4 - Piridin - Karboksilat hidrozid compound is a hidrozid from acid isoni katinat.
Isoniazid has the empirical formula with a molecular weight C6H7N3O BM: 14
Slowly influenced by air and light. Easily soluble in water, slightly soluble in ethanol difficult, difficult soluble in ethanol, soluble in difficult Chloroform and ether.
Isoniazid until now still used as medicine in the treatment of all types tuberkolosis mainly in the form of combination. As profilaktik can digunaka in the form of single. Bakterisid as Isoniazid can be used to treat infections, bacterial infection intraseluler and ekstraseluler trutama mikrobakteri requiring biosenteris acid mikolat in the cell wall.
Isoniazid is a derivat acid isoniazid have tuberkolusis most of the strong results that are growing rapidly. Intraseluler active against bacteria in mikrolag and in the uar cells (esktraseluler).
The first step is done to make the stock. With the weighing 0.1 g DOT are dissolved in pure water and then entered in the pumpkin peck ad aquadest 100 ml. Operating Time is not done because the DOT is a stable solution (time serapannya stable). Time Operatig determination of the compound only to establish the complex color. After a mixed solution, then it must be filtered before the absorbansinya read, because there is the possibility of yag difficult once soluble, so look cloudy. In order not to disrupt the reading in spektrofotometer UV filter to the need to be clear.
) from thelThe second step is determining the long-wave ( maximum laruta stock. Wavelength one laruta provide serapan the largest. Serapan measurement using the maximum length of the wave will cause the maximum serapan also. In the long-wave maximum absortivitas molar relatively stable and showed linear calibration curve. Taking stock solution of 1 ml kmudian be aquadest with 10.0 ml. Then read on the wave length 250-300 nm wave. Because the known 226 nm is the wavelength, the DOT aquadest. Serapan obtained from the trial's most high on the wave length
Removing Blood From Animals
This report is the first in a series on refinement of scientific procedures and laboratory aninial
husbandry. Its aim is to help those removing blood from animals to do so in the most humane
and efficient way so that any pain, distress or discomfort for the animals is kept to a minimum.
The report should also be useful in training courses, or as basic reading before applying for a
personal or project licence under the UK Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986. The
emphasis throughout is on practical detail. It is hoped that publications on refinement of
experimental procedures such as these will lead to 'best practice becoming common practice' in
all laboratories.
Blood is removed from animals for a variety of scientific purposes. Scientists should be aware
that the process may well be unnecessarily stressful for an animal, simply because of the
handling, the type of anaesthetic, or the discomfort associated with a particular technique. The
physiological changes associated with increased stress may even invalidate results (Ajika et al.,
1972; O'Neill & Kaufmann, 1990; Sarlis, 1991). Comparison of 'normal' blood obtained
through chronic indwelling canulae in unrestrained animals with blood obtained by more
conventional methods has shown significant differences, for example in the levels of prolactin,
cortisol, corticosterone and glucose, as well as in counts for red and white cells and platelets,
and packed cell volunie. Since stress may cause physiological reactions which may affect the
research, the method of blood sampling used should be checked for any associated changes,
e.g. in blood corticosteroid levels. It would then be possible to see if an animal adapted to a
procedure and becomes less stressed as a result. It is obviously in the interests of good
science, as well as of animal welfare that stress should be kept to a minimum.
It is worth noting that when collecting blood for antibody production, it may be
desirable to collect blood into an anticoagulant and process the plasma. The yield of serum
from blood is relatively, poor and the yield of antibody can be 20-50% higher from plasma than
from serum.
The report is divided into sections which describe the removal of blood from veins
(Sections 3 & 4), arteries (Section 5), and by cardiac puncture (Section 6). Where the route for
blood removal may also be used for the administration of substances, or for measuring blood
pressure, further details are given. Each section is subdivided to describe possible techniques
and ttieir advantages and disadvantages. The potential adverse effects of each are discussed
together with recommendations on how these can be minimized. The report concludes with a
guide to the severity banding of blood sampling techniques for project licence applications,
together with recommendations for training of personal licensees.
The volume of blood removed from an animal will normally be determined by the scientific
protocol which, in turn, will depend on aspects such as the sensitivity of assays to be used
subsequently. Section 3.2 deals with removal of small volumes of blood of less than 0.1 ml.
Volumes over 0.1 ml are dealt with in Section 3.3. Methods of venepuncture of particular
concern are described in Section 3.4.
It is important that scientific techniques are continually refined so that only small
sample volumes are needed. However, there may still be occasions when the small size of the
animal is critical because of the volume or frequency of blood samples needed (e.g. in mice).
In such cases, the welfare of an individual animal should not be jeopardized and either more
animals should be used, or some form of compensatory blood transfusion or replacement
considered as appropriate. Frequent sampling increases the stress for the animal and, if this is
necessary the scientist should consider cannulation. Even in the short term, this technique is a
favourable alternative to repeated venepuncture. It is addressed as a separate topic in Section
A superficial vein can be punctured to obtain blood for haematological or chemical estimations
requiring only 50-200 l (approximately equivalent to 1-4 drops). Anaesthesia is normally not
necessary since the associated stress would probably be greater than the discomfort of a needle
prick or of a puncture with a small sharp sterile object.
A sterile needle or lancet should be used to puncture the skin and underlying blood vessel. A
scalpel blade is not recommended as its use is imprecise, and may lead to accidental mutilation
of the animal, or operator if the animal is not adequately restrained.
The recommended sites for venepuncture in a variety of species are given in Table 1.
To familiarize oneself with the location of a vein, it is strongly recommended that the
relevant anatomy first be studied on dead animals to avoid having to make repeated
unsuccessful entries when trying to locate a blood vessel.
A common site for venepuncture in a small animal is the coccygeal or tail vein. In
small rodents the tip of the tail may be removed and in mice - unlike rats - this seems not to
involve the removal of any coccygeal vertebrae. Tail cutting should be carried out only once or
a maximum of twice. (In naked mole rats, nicks can be made at the end of the tail which
regrows in 4-6 weeks and can then be used again.)
For small, tail-less animals, such as guineapigs and hamsters, the ear or jugular veins
may be used, but this requires considerable skill; in these mammals cardiac puncture under
general anaesthesia may be the preferred method. In large animals it is more likely that a small
sample will be taken directly from a superficial vein (see Section 3.3). In birds, puncture of the
wattles, combs or snoods can be used.
The use of the footpad for obtaining blood is unacceptable because of the sensitivity of
the area and the risk of infection, since laboratory animals are usually kept near, or on, bedding
contaminated with urine and faeces. Infection can result in lameness and unnecessary
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